SEO techniques are changeable over time. The technique that is crucial once may lose its importance over time with the introduction of a newly updated formula. So you have to keep pace with contemporary demanding ways of SEO Strategy.

SEO is a scientific analysis that may reverse according to update, so the fact that holds your position in 2016 can hurt you in 2020. Be ever prepared for the push and refurbish your site.

Why is SEO Strategy Important for an Agency?

As an agency, you should maintain a unique procedure of work and find the process to improve the strength of the adapted SEO strategy. You can have the question of what is the meaning of “unique”? Can you maneuver new criteria of SEO that nobody knows? Is it possible to be an inventor? No, I am not saying about inventing any rules. I am saying about researching all over the resources and find the best-proven ways to treat the optimization factors at the earliest time.

Check Your Website Performance

Share your website URL & keyword you want to rank to know the overall performance of your website. You will receive in-depth on-page SEO report in less than 30 Seconds.

If you don’t have the optimized strategy, you cannot track the procedures, benefits, shortcomings, and threats. Moreover, you may not be able to apply the newly introduced ranking factors that your site needs attention too. Overall you have to know your ways of making your project successful. Otherwise, there would be a huge mess and you would be lagging than others.

How can you Strengthen the SEO Strategy Uniquely?

There are no hard and fast rules. According to present ranking factors, you may adopt some researched and scientifically proven ways of SEO strategy as an agency. Let’s see the top 10 ways to follow to strengthen your SEO strategy.

1) Content Strategy

Content is the heart of every site. It is my personal opinion, if you can make fabulous content maintaining all the rules and guidelines of Google and proper optimization, then you rock! You may need nothing and nobody to rank it.

Content Strategy


Relevance is the first thing that Google seeks. The update of RankBrain brought the relevance in light several years back and it was the most advanced update then. It talks about the artificial intelligence that Google understands the users’ search intent and your writing intent. If Google fails to align both the intents then you cannot get in front. So plan your content according to search intents and market the content with proper assets.

Importance to Topic and natural language

A very recent update of Google is BERT. It is more advanced than Rankbrain. Now Google understands the search intent of users in detail. Google can differentiate different meanings of homonyms, cataphora and anaphora resolution, Multi-sentential resolution and other lexical matters. So now you have to be more conscious of having used the pronouns, synonyms, prepositions, etc.

Length, Readability & Quality

Most people say that the longer the better. But I do feel that there should be no standard of the length for all contents. You have to let it flow naturally. The readability should be higher to the users so that they would not suffer to understand the theme. Quality comes through lots of things like plagiarism-free, standard language, errorless, continuous & relevant flow, etc.

2) Onpage SEO

Onpage SEO is another strategy to make your content optimized and prepared to rank. It is free and effortless if you keep patience.

Onpage SEO

Yoast SEO

Yoast SEO is the easiest and affordable SEO strategy that you need. With this strategy, you can make the content SEO optimized that helps your content to perform better in the search engines. You would be able to know about the shortcomings in keyword optimization of focus keyword, internal links, and readability that may help you in organic ranking.

Keyword Density

We put focus keywords, related keywords and lots of LSI keywords in the content. It is a matter of analysis that to what extent we can put the keywords in the whole content. The importance of relevant headlines and keywords is also an indication of a good SEO strategy.

3) Link Building Strategy

Link building is the off page activities that every professional plan in a scheduled way. It is one of the brainstorming to-do-tasks.

Variety of links

How do you know how many and what types of links you have to use? There are many ways of link building for a website. The competitor analysis is a good indication to know the best ways. But in my opinion, I think it is better if you can make a good package of different links for your website and it must be natural for Google. You have to provide the internal and external links too. Link Building strategy can boost traffic and ranking.

Importance of quality for referring domain

Referring Domains are the domains from where you get the links, nature, and quality is important to analyze. As your site can get the authority pass from those sites, the good quality of the sites is crucial. Whatever it is comment backlinks, guest post, social media links you have to assess the domain authority, trust flow and traffic for this.

Consistent Linking

Inconsistent backlinks may be of no use even if it doesn’t harm your site. But make sure the links come from relevant niche or authority site and boost the relevance of your site.

4) SEO Audit

For the whole life of a project, you have to audit in different ways. The implementation of the plan depends on it greatly. So have this technique as your SEO strategy list. You can find a list of all available SEO Software in this post.

SEO Audit techniques

Google Search Console & Google Analytics

Google Search Console is the most affordable and mandatory tool for SEO audit. Every site should be submitted to the Search Console to track the keywords and backlinks. You can check the site with all the pages and keywords with the help of the search console. Google analytics can bring the traffic, bounce rate, dwelling time for your site at your convenience.

Semrush & Ahref and other tools

The paid tools like Semrush & Ahref can help you to earn knowledge about the whole site. You can make the subscription for each month so that you can track the projects you work on. There are other tools that you can use to make an overall audit for SEO.

5) Adding Value to SEO

Always be ready to add some extra value to increase the ROE. Find other site’s blank space and use it in your strategy.

YouTube Video Optimization

Video marketing is an outburst in today’s world. You can make your site is well-positioned with the help of YouTube Channel. Video ranking is comparatively easier than text content. So make a channel with the name of your site and prepare lots of videos for specified contents. Not all professionals use this technique to boost ranking; this is an awesome strategy to rank and increased traffic.

Voice Search Optimization

Voice Recognition is a modern AI technology for Google. If you want to be shown in the crowds, then voice search optimization is the best strategy now. Smart professionals are now targeting this area. For this new theme, you have to study the keywords that people search for. Normally in voice search, people ask for location, information for specific content and so on. In this case, you have to focus on Frequently Asked Questions as people ask questions during voice search or make some commands to be followed. Make the contents optimized with those types of keywords that are feasible for voice search.

6) Fixing Technical Issues

There may be several technical issues beyond your thinking. Find and solve those. Technical errors can hurt your site a long way.

Fixing Technical Issues of SEO


Https falls among the ranking factors of Google. It secures the connection and communication through the protocol system. The privacy and security is the initial need for https. It integrates with the quick performance too which can be a part of SEO.


Loading speed is another important ranking factor that you have to value. Page speed Insight can help you to know about the speed performance of your site. Generally, it should be preferable to sustain the speed at most 90% of its loading. There are several ways of boosting speed like plugin help, compressed media, optimizing the CSS delivery, using a CDN and so on. You will never know that the low speed of your site would pull back your site until you get to know the performance of speed.


You are making lots of permalinks with lots of content. Sometimes a link may be lost. You may forgetfully change the permalink in the wrong way. There may be a broken link that cannot be loaded. If you find such a link, then the next task is just to redirect it permanently to another permalink. This is called 301 redirects. People do this redirect to get an SEO benefit.

Compression & Optimization of Media

Media compression is done for reducing the size of the image, video and audio files. You have to limit the size of the media before uploading it to the site so that it doesn’t create any speed problems. For image and video optimization make the files backend optimized and resized according to the themes before posting to the site. After uploading you have to put the alt text must to find your picture in web search. Always make sure that all the media files are of good resolution.

7) Blog Creation

Avoid this if you are running an ad sense blog or niche site. This is said for the sites that usually lack of proper amount of contents and informative contents. Blog is an easier way to rank, so follow this strategy.

Introducing of Blog

For a particular site, if it is a service or some core affiliate, then create a category to post the blogs. You can name it to another relevant word to blog, but the main aim should be the same. You should make the blogs with the contents that are of low difficulty to rank.

Update the blog

You have created the blog and provided 30 contents and settle down. No, you cannot get benefits from this. You may rank your site with one of the contents, but it would not be for a very long time. So, get ready to update the older ones and provide new blogs every week.

8) User Experience

Each step is for users, so keep the users in mind. Google follows continuously the response of users. So making a site responsive is a crying need.

User Experience

Quick and easy navigation

User Experience is another important matter to ranking. You have to make the site quick and easily navigated. Users should not feel uncomfortable roaming around the site and all pages.

Easy to read and understand

Readability is one of the Google Ranking factors that matters much. You have to write in an easy and standard way that people feel comfortable and have fun to read it.

Analysis of UX by tools

There are several tools that can count the UX of your website. These can follow the activity of the users, record the user activity, and manage feedback forms, etc. You can track the user acts and thus help your site grow. The tools that you can track user activity are Usability Tools, User Testing, Click Tale, Usabilaa, etc.

9) Mobile-Friendly Site

If you check the traffic you may see one thing that around 70% of traffic is coming from mobile, not desktop. So, you may understand very clearly the importance of mobile responsiveness.

Mobile-Friendly Site

Make a mobile-friendly test

You have to test to know about mobile responsiveness. However, you can do the test through Google search console; the result will tell you whether the site is mobile-friendly or not. Moreover, you can see errors, if any, for mobile optimization. Rectifying the errors can help you in this matter.

Make it Mobile Friendly

If your site is not mobile-friendly then implement some actions. The website should be responsive to easy access to all types of devices. Using flash can make your site unresponsive so it is better to avoid the flash. You can add the viewport meta tag which helps you to see the view of your website on mobile so that you can control the view. Large font and large buttons show responsiveness on all devices. When you design the site, keep all the screens in mind.

10) Track the Performance

The last but not the least is – track the performance. All the previous stated strategies go in vain if you cannot track the performance of the site. There are plenty of tools free or paid to track the performance of your site. These tools can help you know lots of stuff that are important to rank the site, like-

How your keywords are doing?

  • Which keywords are doing great?
  • Which pages are having the best performance?
  • How is the graph of traffic, impression, and position of your site?
  • How many backlinks are working behind your site?
  • How the overall site is performing in the crowd of competitors?

Keep finding the answers and updating the site accordingly to perform better.

Final Thought

SEO Strategy should be prepared considering all the loops and holes of digital marketing efforts. As an agency, you cannot follow the same techniques and rules for long as Google itself is dynamic. So, you have to keep yourself updated with all the new announcements and techniques. You have to maintain all the parts of SEO strategy regularly so that no updates can put you behind all others. Being late to respond to change can cause you a big push. So, be prepared for all the time with a certain SEO plan.

Now do some brainstorming and make your own SEO strategy.